Last Thursday, our teens were invited to volunteer at a Kids Around the World Food Packing event held at Stateline Church. All of the food packed will be sent to feed kids in different parts of the world.
All of the ingredients and needed materials were laid out ahead of time on the tables and the volunteers at each table formed an assembly line to add the ingredients, seal the bags, and pack them in the boxes.
What a fun night! Our group ended up having some competition between the guys and the girls to see who would be able to pack the most meals. They girls were ahead most of the night, but once they got tired and started to slow down, the guys came from behind and ended up the winners.
The real winners are the kids who will receive the meals that were packed. Overall, more than 100,000 meals were packed at the event; 100,000 meals to fill hungry bellies around the world. Way to go!